The Committee that O’Malley built
The Obama campaign may have hired David Axelrod to change and mold public opinion on issues, but they did it in a secretive way. O’Malley is certainly not secretive or hidden in any way. He blunders around like a bull in a china closet, driven by the need to institute policies that pokes a stick in the eye of every conservative in the state.
I viewed a new article in the Baltimore Examiner, that reported on Governor O’Malley’s Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment, that issued a report to abolish capital punishment in the State of Maryland. The vote is almost laughable because of the 19 members on this commission, 12 were appointed personally by O’Malley. The final vote was 13-7 in favor of repeal.
It’s no secret that O’Malley is an opponent to the death penalty. In his first year as Governor O’Malley tried to hand proponents of the death penalty a horrible defeat, but missed passage by one vote in state senate. The state senate asked for a commission to study the issue, and the Governor complied, stacking the deck with members who think like him, so it’s no big surprise on what the outcome would be.
It seems like only one person of the other side voted to remove the death penalty, while ALL of the appointees from the O’Malley Administration voted to remove the death penalty.
I warned of this “commission” last April in my article “"Are we biased?......let me count the ways". The thing that really sticks in my craw is the refusal of the liberals in MD to admit that O’Malley stacked the deck on the commission, obviously thumbing his nose at the state senate.
The Obama campaign may have hired David Axelrod to change and mold public opinion on issues, but they did it in a secretive way. O’Malley is certainly not secretive or hidden in any way. He blunders around like a bull in a china closet, driven by the need to institute policies that pokes a stick in the eye of every conservative in the state.
I viewed a new article in the Baltimore Examiner, that reported on Governor O’Malley’s Maryland Commission on Capital Punishment, that issued a report to abolish capital punishment in the State of Maryland. The vote is almost laughable because of the 19 members on this commission, 12 were appointed personally by O’Malley. The final vote was 13-7 in favor of repeal.
It’s no secret that O’Malley is an opponent to the death penalty. In his first year as Governor O’Malley tried to hand proponents of the death penalty a horrible defeat, but missed passage by one vote in state senate. The state senate asked for a commission to study the issue, and the Governor complied, stacking the deck with members who think like him, so it’s no big surprise on what the outcome would be.
It seems like only one person of the other side voted to remove the death penalty, while ALL of the appointees from the O’Malley Administration voted to remove the death penalty.
I warned of this “commission” last April in my article “"Are we biased?......let me count the ways". The thing that really sticks in my craw is the refusal of the liberals in MD to admit that O’Malley stacked the deck on the commission, obviously thumbing his nose at the state senate.
sounds like the state legislature asked him to form a study group, unfortunately they didn't ask it to be unbiased......lol.....come on you would have done the same thing!
it's so sad what politicians do to pacify the carzy left
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