Enough Already.
Opinion about California’s Proposition 8
By: Kevin Bryant
If you want everything you read to be politically correct and written as to not “offend” anyone, then you might as well stop reading this now.
I have had it. I am totally fed up with all this crap on the news about how the gays and lesbians are complaining about how they are being discriminated against. Society as a whole is denying them their basic rights. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. I heard some idiot on the radio the other day state that he was being denied his secular right to marry his partner. This same idiot said that everyone should have the right to marry who or whatever they wished. This was to include your pets and farm animals.
Newsflash to all those outspoken San Francisco idiots who call themselves gay, lesbian, queer, homo, liberated, alternative lifestyle practicing or whatever the hell you want to be call by………your’s, mine and everyone’s rights were given to us by “We The People” and “We The people” or at least 70+% nationwide anyway believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. So for you “idiots” out there in la la land…..”We The People” have spoken in almost every state in the union and guess what…..”We The People” don’t want gay marriages.
Gay Rights…..The Civil Rights Issue Of Our Time. Or so that is what all gays and lesbians would like for us to believe. The problem with this is there are absolutely NO civil rights issues here. If anything, there are reverse discrimination issues here. Are there any public theaters anywhere that have the right to put on straight only plays? Are there any straight only organizations allowed to be formed? Don’t even think about trying to bring the boy scouts into this. That issue has been heard time and again and the boy scouts have been cleared of those accusations several times over. Even crimes are reverse discriminatory issues. If a gay person assaults me, it is simple assault. If I were to assault a gay person, it’s a hate crime. The most discriminated person against in America is a straight white male with a job. A straight white female with a job is the second most discriminated against person. You see gays attacking peace loving straight protesters all the time and yet they get away with it. Most of the ones they directly verbally assault or rip signs out of the hands of are women. Why is there never footage of a gay person ripping or verbally accosting some 6’ 2” 220 pound guy. Guess they prefer to assault old ladies and young women who are both exercising their civil rights to protest and do so within the law. Where is any footage of straight people assaulting gays at a gay rally or protest? And you say we are violating your rights………..you say “we” aren’t being tolerant. To this I say…screw you….you exhausted all the tolerance you deserve and then some. Now you are going to get the same amount of tolerance and respect that you are willing to show others…….which is about….ZERO.
Marriage laws in most non third world countries were developed based on simple Judeo Christian faith and beliefs. In a few of those non third world countries, the laws have recently been changed to allow for gay marriages. Here in the United States, there is such a thing as STATE’S RIGHTS. Meaning - any such issue not specifically granted federal government authority shall then by law become an issue of each state and all matters regarding such shall be overseen at the state level. Some states allow for civil unions, which grant the same rights to gay couples as they do heterosexual couples. Why don’t you and your “domestic partners” pack your crap up and move to one of those states….or better yet, move to another country that does allow for gay marriages.
I know, I know……I just opened the door for personal attacks here. For those who think I am a homophobic, let me go ahead and set the record straight. I am not a homophobic. I have had gay bosses, gay co-workers, gay friends and I even have a gay daughter. My daughter and I have had several discussions on the subject and agree on a lot of issues regarding the gay community as a whole. We just disagree with the concept of “gay marriage”. She knows that I am a state’s rights type person and believe in limited federal government. She knows that while I disagree with the gay marriage issue, I would accept it as a part of our society so long as each state independently took the issue up and it was supported by the majority of the population in each state. She knows that I am all for civil unions so long as they too fall in accordance with state guidelines. We disagree on the concept of a civil union ceremony being conducted inside a house of worship.
So anyone reading this that in their twisted little minds believes I am writing this in an effort to bash gays……shove it up your rears. This little rant of mind came to be because some little idiot gay guy in San Francisco told a news crew that Christians needed to keep their beliefs out of his neighborhood. So, to the little piss ant I say this…… “Keep your pie hole shut, act civil for a change and just perhaps if you do manage to act somewhat civil, then perhaps someday you might actually be taken with some degree of seriousness instead of just being seen as the joke that you really are.
Opinion about California’s Proposition 8
By: Kevin Bryant
If you want everything you read to be politically correct and written as to not “offend” anyone, then you might as well stop reading this now.
I have had it. I am totally fed up with all this crap on the news about how the gays and lesbians are complaining about how they are being discriminated against. Society as a whole is denying them their basic rights. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. I heard some idiot on the radio the other day state that he was being denied his secular right to marry his partner. This same idiot said that everyone should have the right to marry who or whatever they wished. This was to include your pets and farm animals.
Newsflash to all those outspoken San Francisco idiots who call themselves gay, lesbian, queer, homo, liberated, alternative lifestyle practicing or whatever the hell you want to be call by………your’s, mine and everyone’s rights were given to us by “We The People” and “We The people” or at least 70+% nationwide anyway believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. So for you “idiots” out there in la la land…..”We The People” have spoken in almost every state in the union and guess what…..”We The People” don’t want gay marriages.
Gay Rights…..The Civil Rights Issue Of Our Time. Or so that is what all gays and lesbians would like for us to believe. The problem with this is there are absolutely NO civil rights issues here. If anything, there are reverse discrimination issues here. Are there any public theaters anywhere that have the right to put on straight only plays? Are there any straight only organizations allowed to be formed? Don’t even think about trying to bring the boy scouts into this. That issue has been heard time and again and the boy scouts have been cleared of those accusations several times over. Even crimes are reverse discriminatory issues. If a gay person assaults me, it is simple assault. If I were to assault a gay person, it’s a hate crime. The most discriminated person against in America is a straight white male with a job. A straight white female with a job is the second most discriminated against person. You see gays attacking peace loving straight protesters all the time and yet they get away with it. Most of the ones they directly verbally assault or rip signs out of the hands of are women. Why is there never footage of a gay person ripping or verbally accosting some 6’ 2” 220 pound guy. Guess they prefer to assault old ladies and young women who are both exercising their civil rights to protest and do so within the law. Where is any footage of straight people assaulting gays at a gay rally or protest? And you say we are violating your rights………..you say “we” aren’t being tolerant. To this I say…screw you….you exhausted all the tolerance you deserve and then some. Now you are going to get the same amount of tolerance and respect that you are willing to show others…….which is about….ZERO.
Marriage laws in most non third world countries were developed based on simple Judeo Christian faith and beliefs. In a few of those non third world countries, the laws have recently been changed to allow for gay marriages. Here in the United States, there is such a thing as STATE’S RIGHTS. Meaning - any such issue not specifically granted federal government authority shall then by law become an issue of each state and all matters regarding such shall be overseen at the state level. Some states allow for civil unions, which grant the same rights to gay couples as they do heterosexual couples. Why don’t you and your “domestic partners” pack your crap up and move to one of those states….or better yet, move to another country that does allow for gay marriages.
I know, I know……I just opened the door for personal attacks here. For those who think I am a homophobic, let me go ahead and set the record straight. I am not a homophobic. I have had gay bosses, gay co-workers, gay friends and I even have a gay daughter. My daughter and I have had several discussions on the subject and agree on a lot of issues regarding the gay community as a whole. We just disagree with the concept of “gay marriage”. She knows that I am a state’s rights type person and believe in limited federal government. She knows that while I disagree with the gay marriage issue, I would accept it as a part of our society so long as each state independently took the issue up and it was supported by the majority of the population in each state. She knows that I am all for civil unions so long as they too fall in accordance with state guidelines. We disagree on the concept of a civil union ceremony being conducted inside a house of worship.
So anyone reading this that in their twisted little minds believes I am writing this in an effort to bash gays……shove it up your rears. This little rant of mind came to be because some little idiot gay guy in San Francisco told a news crew that Christians needed to keep their beliefs out of his neighborhood. So, to the little piss ant I say this…… “Keep your pie hole shut, act civil for a change and just perhaps if you do manage to act somewhat civil, then perhaps someday you might actually be taken with some degree of seriousness instead of just being seen as the joke that you really are.
Good post.
A similar sentiment on taxes was written by radio host Kevin Price (Price of Business on CNN 650 and AOL Radio) at www.BizPlusBlog.com.
Government is out of control from the federal government down to the smallest city.
Your poor child
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