Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain/Palin campaign doing just fine!

Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin say that their campaign is doing just fine. To believe that the polls are accurate is pure fantasy! You have to consider the source of the polls, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC. If you need to believe in the polls just remember the race between George Bush and Al Gore, the divide was almost exactly the same the last week before the vote. Al Gore was leading in the polls, because the left media thinks they can “mold” public opinion, and thus the vote.

To buy into the media hype confirms to them that the majority of the public is fickle, and wouldn’t vote their collective conscience because they would be afraid of voting for a loser. This election, more then anyone in the past, the media has been involved in the most flagrant bias in recorded history. They don’t hide it anymore, much in the same light that Acorn hasn’t hidden the point that even though they accept public funds they have been supporting Obama through their division called “Get out the Vote.” The left no longer hides they fact that they want absolute power of the congress and the Executive Branch. They don’t believe in a divided government. They are in the very process of a change to socialism, some people may think that is ok, but in reality, socialism REPLACES democracy, it doesn’t work hand in hand with the idea our founding fathers had.

It is sad however, that Obama went back on his word and made the choice to do a privately funded campaign, while McCain held to HIS word and went with a publicly funded campaign. This choice of Obama’s didn’t have a thing to do with transparency, in fact just the opposite. McCain has to account for all his donations $200 and higher, Senator Obama doesn’t. Accountability, going back on one’s word, and the lack of transparency, these are the things we would have to look forward to under an Obama Presidency.

On November 5th, I want to awaken knowing that I did everything possible to ensure a two party democracy, and that I voted my conscience, regardless of the outcome. I’m proud that I have always voted for a candidate, whom will best serve our country in the collective best interest. I have made mistakes in the past sure, but I’m always willing to admit them. So I challenge you to vote YOUR conscience, vote for the candidate who will run our country in the most fiscally responsible manner, and in the most defensible way to protect the citizens of this great country, without mortgaging the future of our children.

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