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Monday, January 4, 2010
Experts with questionable credentials set policies for the world
Al Gore, a self described expert in climate change has no degree in climatology. He doesn’t even possess a teaching degree to teach first grade science, but he now claims to be an expert in yet another field. He claims that Polar Bears are in danger of extinction. He spewed his opinion about their endangered status again at the Copenhagen Cop 15 meeting. He has used his opinion and those of his supporters alone to have the Polar Bear an endangered species in the United States, and hopes to have them declared “endangered” worldwide, but can’t site credible proof of that claim.
In this sadly inaccurate video another Hollywood actor supports the WWF and Al Gore.
Actual scientists who study Polar Bears weren’t allowed to even testify in Copenhagen about the real size of the polar bear community. The WWF was however allowed to erect an ice carving of a Polar Bear, which they erroneously claim to be endangered too. In 1950 there were only 5000 known polar bears worldwide, and now the population exceeds 25,000. Even a Senate Report contradicts Gores claims. These figures haven’t stopped Al Gore or his community of Hollywood “chicken littles.” To go along with Gore’s claim that polar bears are disappearing, he had to have a reason their population is waning.
He claims that the polar ice pack in the Arctic is disappearing, but unfortunately that claim doesn’t hold water either (no pun intended.) The polar ice pack has been increasing, and Gore’s minions have under reported that ice by the size of the state of Texas! This doesn’t stop the man; in fact covering the FACTS has always been his strong suit.
Along with the polar bear experts, the real scientists (ones, who disagree with Gore,) weren’t allowed a voice in Copenhagen either. What we had instead was speeches from John Kerry, an equally unqualified scientist wanna-be. Even Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger got into the speaking act. He can’t seem to run California fiscally but has his own opinions on how to spend the world’s money.
Politicians want to end the scientific controversy of man-made global warming, and embark upon their own agendas of making money on the so called catastrophe. It’s certainly no secret that Al Gore has his own company that deals in selling “carbon credits,” (the easiest way to cash in on the green money.) His net worth after he retired from the Vice Presidency was close to 2 million, and now exceeds 100 million. He claims he donates all his earnings to charity. This is laughable because the charity he donates to is his own! He decides how that money brought in, is doled out, and yet he flaunts this self arrogance for its maximum effect.
Check out this disgusting ad shown in England using the Polar Bear as a scapegoat.
The head of the IPCC……the BIG Cheese at the UN on Climate Change…….Dr Rajendra Pachauri is reportedly involved in the same basic schemes of carbon credit sales as Al Gore, and yet they are allowed to continue as if no conflict of interest even existed.
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barb p
why would any actor risk half his or her audience to make a political statement?
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Sixty something guy, with a political view, but not in your face with it. Don't ask my opinion about politics if you don't want it, but I don't start conversations about it when meeting you for the first time. I have so many interests, that I don't pigeon hole into one category. I have written a book, and been published, it's about the care I gave my parents in their last years, it's a story of love, care, and dedication. I have been locked out of my own blog for 4 years!.....Time to make up for lost time!
First I have to thank you for agreeing to meet you. I was pleasantly surprised to see that you are pretty laid back and not so aggressively to the right. I wouldn't have thought of you that way by your articles. It's nice to see that your mindset is shall i say mellow, keep up the good work!
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My Personal Beliefs ( so you know where I'm coming from)
I believe, that the United States of America is the best country in the world bar none.
I believe, the founding fathers wrote the Constitution of our country based on their belief in Christianity, and encouraged the practice of all religions but not at the expense of the others.
I believe, the Supreme Court should interpret the Constitution and not legislate from the bench.
I believe, the Constitution is a legal document, and not a living document subjected to constant change.
I believe, the course to peace is based on strong military, strong principles, and not a pacifist denial approach.
I believe, the second amendment is the right of every citizen in our country, and people not guns are the cause of murder.
I believe, in the death penalty as a form of public compliance to our laws.
I believe, a declared “hate crime” should not just be limited to describe the victimization of one race, or religion, but should be applied equally.
I believe, taxes are necessary to run our country and benefit our citizens, and not to give to foreign governments to “buy” friendships.
I believe, the government should have no right to tax a dead man’s estate on money he has already paid taxes on.
I believe, the President should have the power of the Line Item Veto.
I believe, that Senator’s and Congressmen should have term limits the same as the other elected officials.
I believe, that Senators and Congressmen should eliminate the word “entitlements” from their vocabulary.
I believe, that taxation in our country is disproportionate according to annual salaries, and serves to polarize citizens within the system.
I believe, “Affirmative Action” is neither affirmative nor action, and should be eliminated, as it’s just another form of prejudice.
I believe, that “pork barrel” or “earmarks” should be eliminated, as they are detrimental to budgetary constraints of our country.
I believe, in a balanced budget amendment with the exception of a declaration of war.
I believe, that if it’s so easy to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for a Presidential Position that pays $400K a year, then the amount raised should be taxed.
I believe, in governing our own country, and never handing power of a New World Order to the United Nations for any treaty.
I believe, to insure the safety of our citizens, we need to secure our borders and enforce existing immigration, and hiring laws.
I believe, that English should be formally declared our official language, and should be used in business dealings at home, and English should be taught in school systems to mainstream students.
I believe, that immigrants to our country should be made to assimilate to our culture, and not the other way around.
I believe, global warming is a reality, but to declare that man made emissions are the main cause, based primarily on computer based models, is akin to believing that weathermen can predict next week’s weather based on a “preponderance of evidence.”
I believe in term limits for Congress.
I believe that lobbyists should be banned in our country!
I believe that campaign funding should ONLY come from within a Congressman or Senators' HOME state!
There is one areas I don't agree with the official Republican Platform:
I believe in Gay, and Lesbian Rights
I do not believe in same sex marriage though
I want to welcome everyone to my blog site. Everything you see is my opinion only. As we all know some sources are better then others, and when I see them as questionable, or open for conjecture, I back them up with another source. However, unfortunately, sometimes even these sources can be wrong, and if that is the case, I apologize. When researching a subject, my aim is to find the truth, and the facts and links to back it up. I don't take a position lightly, I research first and form an opinion from the collection of facts. I hope you enjoy the fruits of my research, because not everyone can devote the time to do this.......... because this work represents thousands of hours of time invested, if you copy and paste an article please insert a link back to my blog. Thanks again
why would any actor risk half his or her audience to make a political statement?
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