Thursday, June 2, 2022

Second Biggest Hoax Played on Our Citizens

 Second Biggest Hoax Played on Our Citizens

Al Ritter

I was driving home yesterday and in a short 3 mile drive from the beltway I started counting Teslas coming from the other direction. I passed 16 Teslas in such a short distance. Now to preface this article I do live in a largely liberal area, and to be honest the Toyota Prius has fallen out of favor here. Hybrids are no longer the way to go as the liberals gobble up all the fully electric vehicles they can, but mostly the expensive Teslas.

Oh the first biggest hoax? Covid-19 vaccinations, but that's for another article.

This is no knock on Tesla or Elon Musk, in fact I’m a huge fan of his. He is finally the voice to make the libs see the errors of their ways. Musk has previously stated that 100% electric cars in America can never be achieved because the grid can’t handle it. Liberals all think that Electric cars are the “clean fuel” alternative to fossil fuels. Logic thinking minds know better, the electric has to come from somewhere. Two alternatives Fossil fuel burning electric plants or nuclear energy. Solar power can help a little but the increased number of panels to make charging your car and powering your home a reality is cost prohibitive.

Instead liberals buy a car that has a basic range of let’s say 400 miles which means to can only travel 200 miles from your home without the ability to charge at your home. Charging at home is of prime importance here. The electric rate that you negotiated with your power company at say .08 cents a KWH is not available outside your home. Charging stations that are popping up seemingly everywhere are charging anywhere from .18 cents a KWH to .28 cents a KWH depending on the speed you want to charge your car.

Hybrids make far more sense because they now have incredible MPG and they aren’t limited by the distance you can travel and they certainly cost less than the Tesla.

Follow with me here a little on the remote charging scenario. Once the State and Feds discover that they are no longer collecting road tax on gasoline on electric cars……how long before they start taxing the KWHs on remote charging stations. After all a politician never saw a tax they didn’t like!

Read More Here:

New study that says diesels are more climate friendly than Electric vehicles:


Anonymous said...

Go electric, they say!

No Tesla Lover said...

Not to even mention the danger to our planet to mine the elements for the batteries but also their disposal

Anonymous said...

Where do people get an expendable box of $80k to buy a novelty car that has a radius of 200 miles?

Bud S said...

Good points!