Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Time for a 28th Amendment

 Time for a 28th Amendment

Al Ritter

President Joe Biden soon to be 80

If anything has become painfully clear in the past 18 months is that there needs to be not only term limits but also maximum age limits to hold office. There has always been a minimum age limit to be President but never a maximum age limit, and there should be. Even staunch Democrats are seeing the horror unfolding in front of their very eyes.

Biden’s mental status has been in question before his election, but even Democrats shudder now at his claim that he wants to run again in 2024 for the Presidency. This idea needs to be floated as a bi-partisan issue because who needs a senile President, Speaker of the House or Supreme Court Justice?

I must admit that even at my age, I am experiencing cognitive decline, but coming to that realistic conclusion I sure don’t want 80 somethings making decisions for me, I can make bad decisions on my own thank you!

Nancy Pelosi of the House 82

There are many ideas floating around like the ones mentioned below, but I’d go one step further. The ideas below express that nobody can run for office after 80. My idea is a tad different, if you BECOME 80 in your term you cannot run.

The war cry from the left has always been that the Republican Party is Old White Men, and yet here we are with Joe Biden the Oldest White Man ever to be elected, and he isn’t even 80 yet! You know full well that Bernie Sanders will run again in 2024, because wellllllllll he never gets the memo that nobody likes his age or socialist slant.

I have made a very steadfast view on this issue……….Limits not only the amount of terms but also in age. Certainly the Republicans and Democrats can admit that this needs to be done! Nobody needs an 80 something in charge of the nuclear football!

Justice Breyer 84

Read more here from merely a year ago it seems to be a good starting point:




Barb P said...

Let me know when you run for office Al, I'll vote for you!

Turk 182 said...

What both parties need is NEW blood! 100% agreed

Bobby L said...

So nobody past the age of 76 can run for President, but only one term, interesting, so this eliminates Trump too?

republican patriot said...

Yes under my proposal anyone seeking two terms as President couldn't be any older than 72 when inaugurated, and yes this includes Trump ......sorry

EARL SHOOP said...

We should also have an amendment that no one shall be appointed to SCOTUS who does not know what a woman is.

Anonymous said...

At least this new Supreme Court Justice only replaces one of the existing Liberal Judges