Sunday, June 26, 2022

When is Rioting and Burning Not an Insurrection?

 When is Rioting and Burning Not an Insurrection?

Al Ritter

What is the line to be crossed when protest turns into something very different? Democrats would have you believe that the killing of cops, the burning of Federal Buildings and looting in the North West in 2020 was merely a protest. That the take-over of the Capital Building in 2018 by Democratic protesters at the Brett Kavanaugh hearings where 300 were arrested and quickly let go.

The Liberals show incredible hypocrisy when it comes to “protest.” The Jan 6th protestors still languish in prison in solitary confinement, while all the Democratic protestors that loot and burn are on a “catch and release” program similar to the illegal aliens that stream over our southern border on a daily basis.

Biden to this day clings to the idea that two police officers were killed on Jan 6th which is just as blatant a lie then as it is now. In fact two police officers killed the only two unarmed protestors that day and not one investigation as to their murders has been launched.

How can the left see one way when conservatives protest and then turn a blind eye when their side is burning and looting. Was there any burning of the Capital Building on Jan 6th? Did protestors kill any police? The double standard is incredible. One only has to look at the kangaroo court of the Jan 6th “Committee,” Nancy’s hand-picked one sided investigation of the events that day only told by Democrats, but not one subpoena issued against a Democrat, including Pelosi.

Biden to this day refuses to condemn and prosecute the protestors in front of Supreme Court Judges homes. Joe still thinks that Roe v Wade was a Constitutional Right, it was never in the Constitution Joe it was a ruling, BIG difference! The reason it was struck down is BECAUSE it wasn’t in the Constitution! Does anyone believe that if the same protest were outside the liberal Justices houses Biden would have them arrested immediately? And Biden claimed he was at the top of his class in law school?

When is enough, enough America? When will this largely silent and so far civil society of Conservatives band together for the goal of eradicating these crooked liberal politicians?

Read more here about Kavanagh protest:

Read about the June 25th Insurrection here:




Anonymous said...

The hypocrisy turns my stomach daily

Robert L said...

I am totally amazed at how far the left is willing to go

Suzie L said...

I am surely tired of being the target of the liberals, time to fight back!