Friday, June 3, 2022

Trudeau Just as Out of Touch with Problems as Biden

 Trudeau Just as Out of Touch with Problems as Biden

Al Ritter

In another clueless week Justin Trudeau makes as much sense in his speeches as Joe Biden. While railing against handguns, banning sales, transfers of handguns and magazines over 5 rounds, saying that everyday Canadians have no need for such things in normal life.

No sooner did he announce that than he signed legislation allowing the possession of 2.5 grams of Cocaine, Fentanyl, Heroin or Methamphetamine. Gun deaths are at an all-time low in Canada, but drugs are the leading cause of death in 19-39 year olds in Canada, but Trudeau chooses to ban handguns?

Trudeau isn’t much better than Clueless Joe in his communist thinking logic, both of them have the same aim, to disarm their citizens then destroy their respective countries by anarchy.

Watch the Video here:


Australian and pissed since Covid said...

Disarming their citizens is always the first step to total government domination, look at China, Russia, Vietnam, Australia, Congo etc.

Anonymous said...

Somehow we need to get rid of these dirt bags!