Tuesday, June 21, 2022

What Area Might Putin Invade Next After Ukraine?

 What Area Might Putin Invade Next After Ukraine?

Al Ritter

To preface this article, I am certainly no expert in foreign affairs, or military strategy, but this is strictly my opinion and nothing more. It certainly makes strategic sense for Russia to make this grab and I will try to explain why.

Putin has made no secret of trying to restore Russia back to the once powerful U.S.S.R. and recapture the former Soviet satellites one by one in the name of annexation to “free Russian speaking people.” His aggression is mortifying to be honest, but his success is startling.

For 22 Years Putin has held power in Russia under the guise of Democratic Election which couldn’t be farther from the truth. In a successful hand off of power to avoid term limitations he has used Dmitry Medvedev as his puppet in which to swap power with trading the President position back and forth.

Ok, on to my prediction, Russia has a small outpost if you will 370km from their homeland, it is on the Baltic Sea and is surrounded by NATO member states of Lithuania and Poland and farther north by NATO countries of Latvia and Estonia.

Basically the Russian outpost of Kaliningrad Oblast sits surrounded by NATO nations. This outpost is of utmost military importance to Russia as it is the home of the Russian Baltic Fleet. Now this isn’t Russia’s only Baltic Port but it is the only Baltic Port that doesn’t freeze over in the winter.

This port is also home to a wide array of ballistic missiles that have a reach all through the Baltic region which if used could give Russia total control of the Baltic Sea.

So you see they certainly have a vested interest in keeping it. This area was once part of Germany during WWII and U.S.S.R. claimed it as the spoils of war in the late 40’s. In the fall of the Soviet Union because of financial restraints this area was offered back to Germany, but Germany refused because by this time all Germans had been replaced by Russians and Germany would have been forced to deal with what to do with the Russian population if they retook the land.

Kaliningrad Oblast is merely 65km from Russian friendly Belarus in a straight line on the borders of Poland and Lithuania. If Russia were to “annex” this narrow 65km border between the Countries of Poland and Lithuania they would effectively cut off three NATO nations from the rest of the world. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia would be sitting ducks for a later invasion.

Putin might wait and see with Finland and Sweden joining NATO this year. But with his aggressive actions in the past with Georgia, Crimea, and now Ukraine I wouldn’t take this Kaliningrad Oblast connection with Belarus off the table, it would give Putin a direct land link to Russia through Belarus and at the same time severing 3 NATO nations with the world.

The only question I would have is when? Certainly time is not on Putin’s side, with devastating losses in Ukraine of both equipment and personnel it will take some time to rebuild, add that to Putin’s rumored ill health it could be soon or it could be later.

One thing is for sure, you can bet he’s considering it!

Watch the Video here:


Update 6/30/22:



Turk 182 said...

Very in depth assessment, thank you for the research, makes perfect sense to me

Anonymous said...

Wow! If true this could tip the NATO world on it's head

Kirk J said...

I think that an invasion on any part of a NATO ally would bring down NATO itself on Putin let alone invading two member countries at once, but just my opinion

Anonymous said...

It's a horrible thing to wish but I hope his passing comes before any more invasions :(

Ray in Lubbock said...

I just saw this in the buried news, NICE SCOOP!

Anonymous said...

Why do we keep throwing money at this S--thole?