Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Censorship is Alive and Well at Google

 Al Ritter

Well I have to admit that personally I have never been the victim of censorship until yesterday. I must now be on the radar of Alphabet Inc.

I’ve experienced some articles that have bombed in the past but the article yesterday about Ukraine was off to a great start then it’s as if a light switch got turned off and never came back on. The article never got one more read in the 24 hrs. after.

I’ve read about articles that address basically any of the many failures of the Biden Administration that get thrown into the search engine abyss, but have never experienced it myself.

It’s really sad when citizens address failures of government and the big techs throw those positions to the basement.

Point well learned. I have to be diligent in modifying my article titles to escape the algorithms.

If you are interested in seeing the article maybe they won't find it here:



Addy312 said...

You're lucky the other big techs didn't censor you too

Terri o said...

Au contraire Addy! I reposted this article on Facebook and they removed it!

republican patriot said...

I guess i'm on everyone's blacklist now!

Terri o said...

Well I posted this article on FB again, and within a matter of minutes it was removed