Monday, March 6, 2023

They Can’t Even Lie Well

 Al Ritter

As more and more details emerge from Biden’s “surprise” visit to the Ukraine to meet Zelensky, you realize we are being lied to. The Huffington Post claimed initially that Biden (being the average Joe), no pun intended, travelled from Andrews AF Base to the Ukraine on a C-32 straight through.

Later it was claimed that the C-32 stopped in Germany for refueling.

In a recent CNN interview that will be aired tonight Jill Biden said this.. “How many 30-year-olds could travel to Poland, get on the train? Go nine more hours, go to Ukraine, meet with President  Zelensky?”

We have video of Joe Biden falling up the stairs of Air Force One in Poland on his return trip.

Now what are we to really believe?

Did Air Force One fly empty to Poland only to fly Joe home?

Did Joe actually go by train from Poland to the Ukraine? This one seems to be the most ridiculous lie of them all. There isn’t a chance in hell that the Secret Service would EVER allow Biden on a train! There are too many ways to attack a person travelling by train not to mention there would be other people on a train and that would be unsecure.

So what is the real story about Biden’s mode of transportation to and from Ukraine? We will never know, but you can bet on one thing, the stories were are being told are all lies, sprinkled with a tad of truth. Why must they lie about something so innocuous?

Huffington Post article:

New York Post article on Biden leaving Poland on Air Force One:

Jill Biden’s claim in CNN interview on his mode of transportation:



Reesey48 said...

This POS claimed her CRIMINAL husband HEALED a nation

Lonnie S said...

Jill Biden should be prosecuted for Elder abuse!

Terri o said...

Look at all the carbon footprints that this president has produced with all his trips and blunders! Flight to the Virgin Islands, flight to take bill for signature to the island, flight to return signed bill, flight back to Virgin Islands to pick up the family and return home. One example!

Bet C said...

You forgot to call her DOCTOR Jill!

republican patriot said...

I'm so sorry, totally slipped my

Rodman N said...

Congress should invoke the 25th Amendment and FORCE Biden to take an unbiased cognitive test and if he fails impeach him immediately, then have him removed as President, this whole game they are playing isn't right!

CBVan V said...

When you fall UPSTAIRS consistently, I think the picture has been painted.