Tuesday, March 21, 2023

To Leave or Not to Leave, that is the Question

Al Ritter 

Excuse me for bastardizing William Shakespeare but….

“To leave or not to leave, that is the question,

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of the outrageous left

Or to take arms against a sea of tyranny” 

Sorry didn’t mean to be overly dramatic but the question is for real. I’ve now been on this homestead for longer than my parents ever lived here, and I watched as the political climate has changed, and the encroaching neighbors have become more aggressive and nasty. 

What was once a farming area has now been invaded by young progressive professionals, whose only agenda is to make you bend to their will and wants rather than follow the “live and let live” idea of conservatism. 

They bring with them an air of entitlement and a need to force you to do what they want rather than afford you your God given rights to pursue happiness and be left alone. 

It hurts my heart to abandon the homestead our family has enjoyed since 1943, but each day that goes by my resolve gets greater to leave this horrible Peoples Republic of Maryland. 

When weighing the alternatives my logical mind takes over and I carefully consider options. 

My first thought is to move to Florida the land of the free right now. Then my logical mind takes over and whispers….”DeSantis is on his last term as Governor and unless he’s personally grooming a successor there is no guarantee Florida will stay red. 

Maryland has a rather abusive tax rate, including State Income Tax which Florida doesn’t have, that alone would save me a considerable amount of money a year that I could spend on myself rather than progressive government welfare projects. 

If I had made the move to Florida a few years back I could have sold my property here at a windfall and upgraded in Florida for the same amount of money, but that ship has sailed now as market prices of homes has skyrocketed. 

One great benefit would be not dealing with snow! At my age I am growing weary of cutting firewood and plowing snow in the winter. But the flip side is having to deal with Hurricanes.

I was lured to Delaware once to buy property, and at first the cost of living there was lower, but it didn’t take long (only 7 short years) for that advantage to evaporate. As a result I sold my property at a loss and came back to the homestead full time. 

There are many things to consider, but the financial hardships we endure in Maryland and the ever increasing crime is really making me lean elsewhere. There are days I just want to admit defeat and move on.

There isn't much left for me here anymore, family has died or moved away, and I'm the end of my family line sooooooo. It's sad when you have admit defeat but eventually you aren't a participant in politics but merely a spectator. 

The last day here would truly break my heart and probably put me in a funk for months but it is becoming more and more a possibility.




Danny B said...

I think these questions and feelings are in the hearts of a lot of Americans right now

Anonymous said...

Come to Florida it's a great place to live! DeSantis 2024!

Ray in Lubbock said...

Texas isn't half bad either

Billy S said...

All good points!

Anonymous said...

My wife and I are talking about this very thing, it's a sad state of affairs watching politicians ruin a what used to be a good state.

Carlton M said...

That should be a fairly easy choice. Are you satisfied with the direction that the California government is taking that state? Can you continue to afford to live in the state as the costs increase? Can you live safely and securely and defend yourself with your choice of firearm if need be? I think you already know the answer to the question.

Jen Charlton said...

My sentiments exactly! Thank you for your authenticity. I love the creative license you took with classic Shakespeare!

republican patriot said...

I'm starting to wonder if America is still worth saving or if I need to ex-patriate and find a new country?

Anonymous said...

That sounds like something a Soros backed blogger would say

republican patriot said...

The ignorance of the Trump backers totally floors me. You do realize that DeSantis removed a Soros backed DA right? You " Trumpers at any Cost" need to reevaluate your values and bring the party together and not tear it apart.......stop bashing DeSantis with lies

Danny O said...

AMEN AL!......This doing exactly what the left want us doing. Fracturing the party.