Monday, March 27, 2023

Ukraine Firing Ammo Faster than it can be Made

 Al Ritter

As I reported before about Biden giving away the ammunitions to Ukraine at an unsustainable rate. Now the situation has become dire. Right now without a major overhaul of munitions productions it would take 13 years to replace the weapons that Biden has given to Ukraine.

Think about that for a minute. If we were attacked anywhere in the world, or if we instigated a war the United States couldn’t defend ourselves for any extended period of time, leaving us basically defenseless.

It takes a month to produce 14,000 rounds of 155mm shells, Ukraine has been firing that many in 48 hours!

This is DANGEROUS! There is nobody to blame for this other than Joe Biden. He has given away the very weapons that we invented and developed to a foreign country that could be easily overrun and then have our technologies in the hands of our enemies.

Biden has also given away our Strategic Oil Reserve to the EU. Oil that originally was to be used by our Military in case of war or national crisis. Lowest point in 40 years thanks to Biden, most certainly exacerbated by Biden’s destruction of the Nordstream pipeline.

These continual failures by the Biden Administration puts America and its people at risk.

Read More about the dwindling munitions here:

We reported on the Nordstream pipeline before anyone did: 

Last years' article on the Strategic Petroleum Reserve:


Joan in Delaware said...

When will this insanity end, this is totally unsustainable!

Anonymous said...

Joe needs to start thinking about America and keeping us safe!

Abbey N said...

Why conserve ammo when they aren't paying for it? Zelensky is playing us for the suckers and Joe doesn't even realize it!

Elisa D said...

Just wait until they shut off our smokeless powder supply here in the U.S.
We import it for 98% of our civilian munitions.
When they shut that down, our guns become clubs.