Friday, July 23, 2021

The A.M.A. and the Media are Lying to You About Percentage of Vaccinated Doctors


The A.M.A. and the Media are Lying to You About Percentage of Vaccinated Doctors

Al Ritter

It seems that the AMA is lying to American about the percentage of how many doctors have received the vaccine both practicing and retired. Their claim is that 96% of doctors have been vaccinated, but in reality only 300 doctors were asked in their poll.

More of a reality came from a poll done by the American Associated Physicians and Surgeons where they said that over 60% of both practicing and retired physicians stated they weren’t vaccinated and would decline the vaccination based on risk assessment. This poll was taken online and was comprised of 700 physicians.

Quite a stretch I’d say from the hand-picked respondents in the AMA poll. Media of course has jumped on the AMA poll that reinforces the government stance, but remains silent on the AAPS poll.

Merely more censorship by the Government, and Media supporting the Covid Vax.

Read the proof here:


Anonymous said...

They would never lie to the American people!

republican patriot said...

Just shows you the Facebook censorship, this article has already been flagged and removed