Monday, July 26, 2021

Where Does the Left Go Now That the PCR Test Has Been Debunked?


Where Does the Left Go Now That the PCR Test Has Been Debunked?

Al Ritter

It sure seems hilarious to me that after George Soros and Bill Gates bought the rights to the PCR test for Covid-19 on Monday the CDC, the FDA, and WHO have all declared the PCR test as inaccurate for detecting Covid-19 on Saturday.

It’s not like the inventors of the PCR test haven’t told America that the test was NEVER designed to detect Covid-19 but the CDC , WHO and the FDA all declared it the determining factor in diagnosing Covid-19.

The number of times they cycled the test was the determining factor from the very beginning, 28-35 cycles was determined as unreliable and yet the CDC still allowed it. Tests AFTER the vaccine were reduced to just 25 cycles and that told the “conspiracy theorists” that something fishy was going on.

In my home state the PCR test also included Influenza “A” and “B” and everyone was wondering if a positive for A or B would get a positive Covid test.

Well it’s now official the PCR test is now considered inaccurate and the so called Conspiracy Theorists have been vindicated! Now are all the past Covid-19 positives null and void? And thusly, are all the reported Covid positive cases now false too?

This surely has implications in any legal case pending as to the accuracy of any past test! The government will basically become toothless in this revelation!

Hopefully the two main liberal contributors will lose millions, and hopefully Billions on their untimely purchase of the PCR test…….(I know, I can’t stop laughing either)

The bigger question now is….how will ANY government entity prove you are Covid-19 Positive now?

Ok I’m still laughing sorry!

Read More Here:


Anonymous said...

They both deserve to lose everything!

Anonymous said...

This negates their whole argument!