Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Who’s in Charge and Does Anyone Really Care?


Who’s in Charge and Does Anyone Really Care?

Al Ritter

Well America is starting to worry about Joe Biden and if he can really carry out even one term as his dementia has taken front stage. Numerous polls have suggested that America is worried about the direction of the country and if Joe can even string together a coherent sentence at any given moment.

A few Months ago it was suggested that his cues, policies, and promptings were coming from Susan Rice, or Barack Obama himself. Nobody really knows if that is true or not, but what is cut in stone is a very sobering realization who WILL be in charge if he is labeled as unfit to no longer hold office.

#1 Kamala Harris WILL be his successor, there is NO debate on that issue whatsoever. This is a woman that even if you don’t look at her sorted sexual past couldn’t even make it past round one of the primary in her home state. Let that sink in a moment. She had held office in California in several capacities before her bid for the Presidency but her constituents felt she didn’t do a very good jobs at those positions so they decided not to vote for her in the Presidential Primary.

That should tell you something, and yet Joe Biden picked her to be his running mate based solely on the color of her skin and NOT the content of her character or the ability to succeed him if necessary.

#2 here is the scariest scenario of all, if Harris is unable to fill Biden’s position for whatever reason, the Speaker of the House takes over as President. The very thought runs a cold chill up my spine, and it should with you too. Pelosi is 81, Biden is 78. Not only would her crackpot far left agenda take the forefront, but her advanced age should send a horrifying message too. She would then be the oldest President in our history with no guarantee that her mental state is any better than Joe’s.

I’m not so sure there is ANY good outcome if Biden steps down, but I’d bet money that it’s coming and it won’t take 3/12 more years either, remember how Pelosi started an investigation into the 25th Amendment? It wasn’t for Trump it was for Joe before he was even elected!



Turk 182 said...

There isn't one scenario that calms my fears!

Unknown said...

God help us all!!!

Anonymous said...

Doomsday all around!

Anonymous said...

I sure as hell care, and I'm pissed!

Bud S said...

I think Obama and Soros are at the helm