Thursday, July 18, 2024

Anything you put on the Internet, stays on the Internet?

 Al Ritter

We constantly hear that phrase but is it true? Increasingly I am finding that not to be true.

Because of my constant research I have a collection of hundreds of links to pertinent information to bolster my opinions on a wide range of subjects. I’ll give you two examples.

The first is an article that I published back in 2008. The article was written by Byron York, a conservative writer who was at that time working for The National Review. I copy and pasted his entire article and also supplied a link to the original article.

We frown on that way of posting now and I have since stopped doing that but let me explain what has happened in the years following. Byron now works as chief political correspondent at the Washington Examiner.

Recently I put a link to my article written by Byron about Joe Biden’s corruptness that dates back 20 years. I carefully reread my article again, but when it got down to the link to the original article guess what?

Yup you guessed it GONE! Now had I not copied and pasted it directly, the article would be gone forever. Now days we do a page capture to secure the record for years to come.

The second link that I saved was an article written about the result of Joe Biden’s two brain surgeries. In that article both surgeons were of the same opinion that Biden had a 50/50 chance of returning to normalcy after the surgeries. That article is gone now too.

I hate to say this about the internet, but darker forces are rewriting history on the net too. It’s not like we didn’t expect it, propaganda is our government’s #1 business.

My suggestion to you is….if the link you save is important, do a page capture on it, because it could be gone in a flash tomorrow. Page capture is forever!

Here’s my article about Biden’s corruptness, make sure you click on the link at the bottom of the article:


Amy R said...

Dead links is the new book burning by our government. Always look at them with a raised eyebrow.

Rocknest said...

Yep and the 30k emails from Hillary are out there somewhere.

Roland1969 said...

If it's on the internet it must be true, otherwise Al Gore wouldn't have invented it!