Monday, July 1, 2024

The Face of Aging Narcissism

 Al Ritter


To see the elderly Narcissist we need to reexamine the signs of Narcissism. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance. They are continual liars even when it offers them no direct benefit. They portray a picture they have of themselves that never mirrors reality. They were the school yard bully that has been stuck in adult’s body. They regularly exhibit raging tantrums when things don’t go their way. They operate with no rules but expect everyone to acquiesce to their guidelines. They are always the smartest one in the room regardless of the company. They lack any and all empathy for others. They are steadfast and unbending in almost every situation. They use the closest people around them as pawns, sometimes we call them “flying monkeys.” Sadly those people will defend their Narcissist against the outside world because if the Narcissist is directing their ire against someone else, at least it’s not them. They constantly speak of their perceived accomplishments and seem annoyed at everyone else that ever has a deserved accomplishment.

Normal people strive to better themselves throughout life, and be better to those around them. The Empath is always on the road to betterment. The narcissist never strives for betterment, only to hone their skills of manipulation and gas lighting. Selfishness would be a mild term for the Narc, because that is one of the cornerstones of their behavior.

We move to the Malignant Narcissist, this is when things borderline on dangerous and Psychopathy is but a mere stone’s throw away. This is the Narc that gets a twisted sense of pleasure from purposely hurting people, even sometimes the ones they are supposed to love.

What is the end stage for such miserable people? Sadly near the end their inner circle is comprised of flying monkeys, paid hands, or straight out victims of this horrible Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

The longer we study Narcissism the more we start to realize how many people like this we have come in contact with in our lives. I used to assume that I had contact with only one in my life, but now at almost 70 yrs. old I’m seeing well over a handful, some even family members.

This whole idea became very real to me especially after June 27th. I think anyone that runs for the Office of the Presidency has to have a degree of Narcissism. Maybe some is good but I will guarantee that too much IS BAD!

This might piss off some of my readers but I see both Biden and Trump as Narcissists, and they both are on the trail to being Malignant. The only difference I see now is one has dementia and the other doesn’t. Which one would I pick with only two choices? The one without dementia of course. Dementia only brings with it a shorter temper and constant aggressiveness, certainly not something we need from the leader of the free world and a finger on a nuclear trigger.

Choices Choices…….The faces of aging narcissism

Biden can be nasty behind closed doors:

Joe isn't going to drop out, he can't it's too late:


Jack Gilbert said...

LOL...Wow Al, looks like you are tiptoeing on the third rail here. Addressing something nobody wants to talk about. I've silently said the same thing only in my mind but never repeat it out loud. I commend you for speaking about it, but Trump may be a narcissist, but in 2024 he's my narcissist!

republican patriot said...

@ Jack thoughts exactly my friend!

Nancy D said...

They both surely have those traits, but I like the guy who will close the border, bring me back my 401K and let me buy gas again, I could care less about his mean tweets.

Sally 3 toes said...

Hate mail coming in 3,2,