Monday, July 22, 2024

Republican Attorneys threaten to sue over reallocation of Biden campaign funds

 Al Ritter

Republican lawyers are threatening a law suit over the use of Biden’s campaign war chest. Even though the Harris campaign has now filed for a change in the filing to put her name at the top of the billing for the Presidential election, the Republican lawyers are saying “Not so fast there!”

The timing of the Democratic National Convention isn’t until August 19th, and the lawyers are arguing that they haven’t even picked a nominee at this point let alone a running mate for Harris.

Their argument is that if the DNC hasn’t declared a candidate then how Harris can just hijack those funds? It’s been announced that 91 million is being held, but actually the war chest amounts to over $330 million!

It pales in comparison to Trump’s campaign donations that stand at over $400 million, but the question remains, and will most certainly be decided by the courts, but doubtfully not before next month!

Read more here:


Ronny B said...

This gets funnier by the minute, because the FEC chairman is a Republican!

Bobby L said...

I heard that she already raised $81 million on her own since Sunday

Ray in Lubbock said...

The leftist mantra, Click on blue, no matter who. Don't matter if they have a body on life support

John G said...

This is the party to protect our Democracy?
Pushing the properly elected candidate off the top off the ticket in an apparent coup? This is stealing an election. This is disgusting and unAmerican. This is not Democracy.
How do you change the ballots in 50 separate states? More stealing?
Show me where this is legal in all 50 states. Legal in federal election law.
Biden should take the campaign funds he raised and place them in his 501 (c) 3 charity. If he can not manage a reelection campaign then he should resign from office. What does it take to use the 25th Amendment?
Is Harris the best the Democrat party can do? She cannot carry even her home state California

Dianne D said...

We've all listened to all of them and the media
Every time one of them opened their pie hole, lies were flowing out