Sunday, July 14, 2024

Update on the Shooter

 Al Ritter

At 1 AM Sunday morning the Secret Service, FBI, a Bomb Squad, and local law enforcement raided the home of 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks situated in Bethel Park, PA, some 37 miles away from the shooting.

It appears that even though Crooks was a registered Republican, he has donated to a Left wing Pac group on Biden's Inauguration day. One male bystander and the shooter himself are dead a result. Identification of the victims has not yet been released pending notification to the families.

On a personal note and this is my opinion only but I think we will see shortly an investigation on the Secret Service detail that allowed someone into a perimeter that was higher than the stage a mere 130 yards away. The Secret Service sniper detail was farther away from the shooter than the shooter was to the stage. I would think this is a pretty basic “Protection 101” violation.

Read more here:

Failure of security:


Daniel Meeder said...

Think about these facts.
1. Shooter with a rifle was able to climb up on a roof top 125 yards from the podium.
2. There were several individuals that saw the guy getting onto the roof with a rifle and told police and other security personnel minutes before the shots rang out.
3. With this still unverified information no attempt was made to alert the secret service who would have removed Trump.
4. Seconds after the first shot rang out the shooter lay dead with a massive head wound which was almost certainly delivered by a sniper, police or government with a high powered rifle.
5. The time period between the first shot and the head shot of the would be assassin can only be interpreted in one way. The security sniper was in a set position with a clear view of the assassin. He did not have time to move and then reset his rifle in a secure position to deliver a precise head shot. I doubt the information about his location will ever be released but I bet that shot was greater than 125 yards.
6. Finally, how does an individual climb onto a roof with a rifle in apparent full view of a security sniper whose only job is scan the area with his high powered scope for exactly this type of threat?

Terri o said...

Trump is a true leader as he has requested that a fundraiser for the families that lost their loved ones be set up!

Kenny185 said...

More gun legislation coming in 3, 2,1

Bobby S said...

This is NOT acceptable behavior for anyone. I don't care if it's an attempt on a sitting president or a past president, or any candidate for that matter. My question now is when does RFK get his secret service detail? Or will Mayorkas try to kill him too?

Turk 182 said...

Repeated requests by the Trump campaign for additional protection resources have been denied by Mayorkas according to Rep. Mike Waltz

Roger S said...

This whole fiasco doesn't bode well for Mayorkas both in denied additional security and the botched work of the Secret Service detail, hopefully a full investigation will ensue.

Lonnie S said... listen as a witness explains how he warned police and they did nothing!

Camille Ann said...

Thanks for sharing. So the final name of the perp is Thomas. This is the third name I've seen, and It seems to be the legit one.

Daniel Meeder said...

The police officer in the now infamous picture, Johnathan Willis says that he had the assassin in his sights for three minutes but was refused permission by the head of the secret service to take him out.
You would think this would be a bomb shell story. Put the shoe on the other foot and every news outlet would be screaming 24/7.
Let me ask you a serious question, are these the people that you get your news from?

republican patriot said...

@ Daniel Meeder....better question still is why wasn't Trump removed from the stage if that was the case, you know everyone is connected by radio!