Monday, July 29, 2024

New House Subcommittee Forming and guess who will be on it

 Al Ritter

There is a new bipartisan subcommittee forming in the house to investigate the massive failures by DHS, and the Secret Service on the attempted assassination on Donald Trump’s life.

Unlike the partisan Jan 6th Committee majority leader Mike Johnson will hand pick 6 members of the Republican Party to be on the panel and the Democratic minority leader Hakeem Jeffries will pick the other 5.

Two names that Jeffries is pushing to be on this committee is Jan 6th committee chairman, Bennie Thompson D-Miss. The other name being floated is Dan Goldman D-NY.

If you recall earlier this year Bennie Thompson introduced legislation to remove Donald Trump’s Secret Service Detail as a “disgraced President.”

Dan Goldman is yet another Trump hater that garnered unwanted attention when he declared last year that Donald Trump “has to be eliminated.”

I’m not sure Mike Johnson can push back on these two being on the subcommittee, but he should most certainly fight back to have them recused because of past bad blood.

Read More here:

Update: After a sad set of picks for the Republican side of the committee by Mike Johnson, two Congressmen who are ex snipers will do their own investigation


Joyce N said...

Oh no no no, this is NOT acceptable!

Tony R said...

Yea let's appoint two people that want Trump dead, the makes NO sense at all!

Anonymous said...

Pull a Nancy and just replace them with conservative Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord, I honestly believe that democrats will never be happy as long as the Republic remains.

Dave B said...

Funny how the same People in congress that wanted to take away Trumps SS Protection, are now part of the investigation into his Lack of Protection.

Terri O said...

Why don't they just put Jamie Raskin on the committee and get it over with!

Freeloaders_tripul said...

J6 committee needs to be in prison.

Pnz1 said...

This man destroyed the public record of the sham hearings and should be in prison!

Some Guy said...

If Democrats can choose who was allowed on the j6 th committee, THEN MIKE JOHNSON should do the same with this committee!! Until we start playing by their rules they will NEVER stop trying to break them!

Laura B said...

WTF! How does this help when there are 2 Trump haters on it?

Mike Y said...

Both are/were approved by Crazy Nancy.