Sunday, July 21, 2024

So Many lies from Government, nobody knows what to believe!

 Al Ritter

We were told by government that Trump was NOT denied additional assets for his protection detail. Under threats of whistleblowers within the Secret Service that claim they are being falsely blamed for something that was the decision from higher ups.

The true blue Secret Service agents are now claiming being painted as incompetent when in fact that is not true. Assets were reassigned from the Trump detail to the Dr. Jill Biden detail and also the Zelenski visit. And we have found out from inside sources that the majority of the detail on the day of the Trump rally had been replaced by DHS employees.

Furthermore, we were told that the picture of counter sniper on the roof that was so circulated was not the actual counter sniper that killed Crooks.

Evidence is now coming to light that the kill shot was made by an actual Secret Service Counter Sniper from 570 feet away. The picture we have from the counter sniper is not the actual sniper that killed Crooks. That sniper missed his shot.

This explains a lot of the conspiracy theorists that were claiming there was a second shooter because they were only using sound analysis, but not considering if it was good guys or bad guys firing.

Why did it take this long for the truth to come out?

Here’s another big question. They claimed that Crooks was identified by DNA in 7 hours. All DNA experts seem to agree that no DNA trace could be done in just 7 hours. Better still what sample did they have to compare his to?

More lies from Government, or shall we say exclusion of evidence. It’s now come to light that Crooks flew a drone over the rally site mere hours before the actual event. How is that even possible? Donald Trump Jr has said that he can’t fly his personal drone when his father is on the property and all cell phone service is jammed.

View the disgusting details here:

This was a Yahoo article describing how the government admitting that the additional resources were denied, it was removed immediately:

Let's see if anyone can read the original article from Yahoo:

Sen Ron Johnson's jaw dropping findings on July 13th:



Jamie K said...

Hope they haul Kim Cheatle on the carpet come Monday!

Tony from the Bronx said...

Where does the Democratic party find all these habitual liars?

Betsyross said...

At least Sleepy Joe is out, but fear not Kamala is coming to the rescue!

Princess Grandma Warrior said...

Whatever you believe is what you should believe.

I believe it was planned, it failed, Secret Service and some police allowed it to happen and then neutralized the target so he couldn't spill the beans. The head of Secret Service wasn't qualified to protect anything. She came from PepsiCo security. I doubt she protected humans.

Bob said...

It’s obvious the capital police and secret service have conflicting standard operating procedures!

On January 6, 2021 a capital police officer killed an unarmed woman who had entered the capital because she might be planning something bad. That way she wouldn’t be able to accomplish what he thought she might do.

On July 13, 2024 four sniper teams could see a man on a roof with a weapon but couldn’t shoot until the sniper got a number of shots out even though they knew what he was about to attempt!

One shot an unarmed woman based on what he thought she might do and the others didn’t shoot even with an imminent danger to President Trump. Corruption much?

Mike N said...

That's the whole point of government disinformation -- they don't want the truth revealed.

Mariagnes C said...

Tk u lots I have forward this on to people That I feel would appreciate ur time and effort

Brand gin said...

Just more proof the government was having Trump taken out no way a 20 year old had encrypted accounts