Thursday, July 11, 2024

Biden Digs in his Heels

 Al Ritter

Amidst the assault from his Democratic party, Biden stays his course.  Ol’ Joe dug in his heels once more tonight and confirmed his continued path towards his reelection.

Despite calls from many members of the Senate and quiet rumblings from the Democratic house members calling for his removal Biden doubled down on his insistence to continue his campaign.

And to be honest who can blame him at this point, although his approval ratings have tanked since his debate disaster, he still remains the front runner for the Democratic Presidential campaign in 2024.

This certainly speaks to the utter failure of the Democratic Party to even allow anyone else in the primary race to run against a mentally faltering incumbent President running for reelection.

How Biden’s handlers even allowed this “press conference” is beyond comprehension unless they want to give him just enough rope to hang himself as he did in the debate.

He confused Ukrainian president Zelensky with Putin in an inexcusable gaffe yet once again.

His non-stop funding of an unwinnable war through proxy with Russia under the name of “Democracy” is a total joke and a waste of taxpayer money. Zelensky’s government is no longer a “democracy” as he has suspended elections, jailed his opponents, and outlawed certain religions.

We certainly need cooler minds in government rather than mentally disabled minds.

Read more here:


Benny J said...

It's getting harder and harder not to laugh at Biden.

2121mcec said...

I laughed when he confused Kamala Harris for Donald Trump, or when he talked in third person when he talked to the Commander-in-chief. This will only get worse and not better.

LibertyLuc said...


Ladyluck1969 said...

I think it's hilarious how the left stream media is spinning this as a successful press conference...lmao

Camille Ann said...

I say, stay in Joe, so we know what we're working with. The RNC needs to focus on the rigging that's going to happen.

Robert W said...

Hahahahaha haha Hahahahahahahahahaha
All scripted softball questions!!!