Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Crook’s Cell Phone Ping History SHOCKING!

 Al Ritter

If you remember back to the 2020 election when truethevote.org used geo tracking technology to expose the ballot harvesting in the movie 2000 Mules.

The same technology of geo tracking has been used by a sub group of the Heritage Foundation called Oversight Project (you can find them on X.)

You don’t have to actually possess the phone to do the tracking, you don’t even need the number. All you need to see is a pattern of locations to eventually nail down the exact phone.

In other words let’s see the pattern of Crook’s cell phone pings in or around his house. You can eliminate other family member’s phones at that exact location based on their known travels. Crook’s phone was tracked at his work at his gun club and other locations he was known to visit.

Knowing the patterns you can now see his full travel itinerary within feet of their actual location, including two trips to the rally site days before the attempted assassination attempt.

I’ll let you read the accompanying article for yourself, but it’s guaranteed to raise a few eyebrows with trips to DC very close to the FBI building and a flight to Logan Airport?

Read More here:



Donny S said...

This might just bust this coverup wide open, especially after Cheatle's resignation!

Tommytwotone said...

Seems funny how the left has been trying to paint this technology as inaccurate, but only when it shows them in a bad light.

Dorrie said...

this steps far outside the range of normalcy for a 20 year old with a starter job!

Tony from the Bronx said...

Ohh this looks bad! Maybe why the USSS director resigned today!