Sunday, July 21, 2024

Biden’s House of Cards comes tumbling down

 Al Ritter

Well today has certainly been an exciting one. Biden has now proclaimed on X that he doesn’t intend to continue his campaign, but will serve out his term as President until Jan 2025.

Insider sources claim that he will not however endorse Kamala Harris, but that remains to be seen so far. This doesn’t leave Democrats many options. If Kamala continues on as Presidential nominee she MAY retain the campaign funds, but that is dependent on the mega donors and IF they support her and release those funds.

If they do support her the campaign funds remain intact to continue forward. But this doesn’t solve many of the other problems sure to arise. You can bet that Kamala won’t be able to pick her running mate that will be the job of the Democrat elites. It will certainly be interesting to see who they pick, because that just might sink somebody’s political career forever, for being part a campaign sure to fail.

The Democrats have a real conundrum here. Do they side step a Black woman VP for someone else? If they do they will be considered racists and bigoted under the very same formula they use against the Republican Party. Harris garnered 1% of the vote in her primary in 2020 before bowing out of the race.

Her polling hasn’t improved any since then as she has a far worse approval rating than Joe Biden.

So will the voting electorate on the Democratic side just hold their nose and click anyone as long as it’s blue?


Benny J said...

If they go into a brokered convention to pick someone other than Kamala you will see sh*t hit the fan. They will have disenfranchised "81 million?" democratic voters. This will be reminiscent of Biden's withdraw from Afghanistan!

Buckee said...

In a later announcement Biden came out and endorsed Harris, now let's see what the donors think. I'm going to pop some popcorn and watch the destruction of the Democratic party!

Turk 182 said...

It should be fun to watch the cards all fall down, August 19th!