Monday, July 15, 2024

Inquiring Minds Want to Know What the Hell is going on!

Al Ritter

With continual questions of who really is in charge in the Whitehouse we get pictures of “Dr.” Jill Biden sitting at the Resolute desk in the Oval Office with a caption “Preparing for the G7 Summit.” How exactly is that appropriate? We didn’t elect her to anything. She wasn't given a cabinet post, she wasn't confirmed by the Senate, and yet here we are.

Joe Biden talks a lot about allowing a convicted felon in the Whitehouse. Neither Trump nor Hunter Biden are convicted felons yet, that proclamation is done by a Judge at sentencing. But the hypocrisy is crystal clear.

Even the Whitehouse staff is starting to question the influence of Jill Biden and Hunter Biden. But the influence is one thing but sitting in on meetings and conference calls is something entirely different. I’m sure Jill Biden has some sort of classified clearance, but Hunter?

As I said earlier even the Whitehouse staff is questioning why either one of them are present in these closed door meetings in addition to undo influence on Joe’s decisions.

Read more here:


Jenniferbettysmom said...

Sooooo there is already a convict in the Whitehouse and many other unindicted co-conspirators

bigtruckerman said...

Based on Hunter's life story he shouldn't even be allowed in the Whitehouse let alone in classified meetings, same goes for Nurse Ratchet!

Terri o said...

With Hunter and "Dr." Jill in these meetings, wonder if Joe gets to talk at all or just nods in agreement with his handlers!

Kevin said...

Hunter is in the meetings for "Tech Support" as we all know he is well knowledgeable of laptops.

Jill is there in case Joe's diaper gets full.

Turk 182 said...

Well Hunter had access to all those illegally kept documents in Joe's garage for all those years soooooo