Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Now the Blame Game Begins

Al Ritter

This brings back memories from my mother’s last narcissistic husband when he defended himself by saying, “So now we are placing blame?” In the real world we investigate to find the shortcomings and then make corrections so the failure never happens again.

When the failures become so massive fingers will be pointing. As Dan Bongino said the other day, “You had one job!” Truer words couldn’t have been spoken.

The first failure was the advance prep. This is the initial visit by the Secret Service Advance Team. On this visit they note all the problem areas, places a sniper could hide or gain access to higher ground. Those areas will be marked on their initial map and later used to place armed guards on the day of the campaign stop. Crooks firing position was reportedly 130 yards from the stage where Trump spoke. This was clearly within the danger perimeter. No officers were around the base of the building on the day of the event.

Second failure rested with the local law enforcement sniper. I say local law enforcement because normally the Secret Service snipers usually wear all black fatigues with Police emblazoned on the back but underneath is says Secret Service. The defense snipers on the roof only had the word Police in their vests. This brings up yet another question. Who makes the decision of which division is in charge of what function? In other words who makes the decision to use local law enforcement snipers or Secret Service Snipers? Who decides if local law enforcement or Secret Service is used around the perimeter? Who gives the order to take out the assassin?

Third failure: It is reported that every other campaign stop there are secondary visual impairments used to break up a direct line of sight to the stage, whether it be in the form of dump trucks large cranes etc. A woman who has sold merchandise at every one of Trumps campaign stops claims that these visual impairments were not present at this event and she had a bad feeling about this stop.

Fourth failure: It was reported that a police officer investigating the crowd report of a man on top of the building was boosted up to the roof by a second officer was surprised by Crooks who reportedly aimed his rifle towards the cop and scared him back to the ground. Shortly after, Crooks fired his deadly weapon. Why didn’t the cop have his own weapon drawn before breaching the edge of the roof to investigate?

Fifth failure: Reportedly the law enforcement sniper had Crooks in his sights for 2-3 minutes. This is where the reports get a little hazy. There is some discussion as to if the sniper needed permission to take the shot, if there is some sort of rules of engagement before a shot can be taken. Another question is…if the sniper had Crooks in his sights that long why didn’t he see the interaction between Crooks and the officer on the roof? If permission had to be given to the sniper to fire why wasn’t everyone on the same communication channel where the sniper could have warned the ground crew to get Trump down to the ground behind the bullet proof area of the stage before the fatal shots were fired?  Why must a law enforcement sniper be required to react and not be proactive to remove the threat before it happens?

The only thing that was done well was the ground crew that piled on Trump initially. Although the DEI hires that were well below Trump’s stature certainly gave the candidate additional exposure that put him at additional risk.

Now the FBI has jurisdiction in the investigation, this is yet another possible failure in the making. This is the department that has vilified Trump and even tampered with evidence in the documents trial. I’m not sure this is the group that should be doing the investigation. I would personally welcome an investigation by a JAG group from the military.

These are my personal feelings after viewing the evidence I have at my disposal

Below are the links I used, hopefully you can come to a conclusion on your own:

More questions then answers now:

Trump didn't even have real Secret Service Agents:


Gunny2012 said...

I see enough blame to go around to everyone involved this whole situation was FUBARED from the beginning!

Geo said...

Time to completely eliminate the Secret Service and replace it with U.S. Marine Corp. security teams.

Abbynormal said...

I think Kim Cheadle should resign over this failure

AnnBa said...

As it should. There is no room for mistakes if you are secret service.

Justin H said...

No drones or helicopters?

Oljarhead said...

I'm not sure I'd trust any of the three letter government entities to protect me if I was Donald Trump!

Anonymous said...

I have not been able to confirm yet, but the current head of the Secret Service used to be the lead for then 3nd lady Jills detail..... and is not in charge of the SS. Seems a bit fishy to me.

Mike Y said...

The shooter was obviously brainwashed into believing Trump is an enemy.
Who do you think brainwashed him?
Hint: You can safely bet it wasn’t Republicans nor conservative news media.

Robin C said...

Interesting perspective. I think if I were Trump, I'd have my own Army of protection. At least people he trusts to protect him.

John D said...

Well, what I saw was they had the guy in their sights and was waiting for him to pull the trigger before they took him out. The one even flinched when he shot

republican patriot said...

@ unknown....Cheatle was a higher up in the Administration of the Secret Service in the Bush era under Chaney's request, she then retired to civilian life to work for Pepsi as the head of security for them. She was tagged to head the Secret Service by Jill Biden and then appointed by Joe. She has a long history of diversity hires.

Billys grand dad said...

Kim Cheatle only has 4 1/2 months left in her job, I wonder if Pepsi will take her back?

David R said...

Good article, I shared on FB