Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Harris Campaign seeks to distance her from the title of “Border Czar”

Al Ritter

 In true liberal media fashion in publications such as Time magazine, USA Today, Politifact, and Axios are all claiming now that Harris was never given the title of Border Czar. Once again the liberal media is trying to rewrite history.

Fortunately actual articles have survived (so far) to refute these publications supposed “fact checking.” Elon Muck did his own fact checking on an article that was written on Axios shortly after Harris was given that title, clearly showing that their latest revision of history is demonstratively false.

69 publications wrote articles on the press conference when Biden gave Harris the title and yet now they are trying to deny it.

Roberta Jacobson was the first “Border Czar” but stepped down just 100 days into the Biden Administration amidst the first initial wave of the flooding migrants. Just before she stepped down on March 24, 2021 Biden announced in a news conference that Kamala Harris will be taking her place. “Because when she speaks she will speak for me, she knows what she is doing.”

It amazes me how Harris’s campaign manager is pushing this false narrative to the media to somehow whitewash her failed position.

Read more here:


Turk 182 said...

Now they try to gaslight us from just 3 years ago?.....unbelievable!

Dr Wilda said...


1TiredMarine said...

Not going to happen

Anonymous said...

She lies and the liberal media covers for her

Knolwski said...

So the Border Czar Not..

Camille Ann said...

We won't let that happen!

Laura B said...

Too late